Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Birthdays Remember-Forget Context
Here we are at the end of another month, and I’ve remember-forgot some friends’ birthdays. Rita, who you may have read about in the early days of my blog, has her birthday today. Now, I don’t know if Susie Dent has a word for remember-forget, but I couldn’t find a word to describe it. I’m sure, as soon as I write about it, the topic will make an appearance in my life.
Much like I found out, scurryfunge is that word for the last-minute scurry before visitors arrive, instead of calling it visitor sickness (Day 085), which was our family’s term for it. Today, however, it’s about remembering and forgetting and remembering again. A search showed a few songs cover the unable to forget theme along with song titles such as “I forgot to remember to forget” (Bonnie Guitar).
About a week ago, it was Olivia’s birthday and I remembered-forgot to send wishes on that day too. Usually, it’s my thing to remember people’s birthdays, even before we could enter the dates into mobile phones to remind us!
Two Birthdays?!
Both days began with me fully intending to give them a call or take time to compose a text entirely of heart-felt words about how glad and lucky I am to have each of them in my life. That was the first thing. Then I got out of bed, and the morning routine kicked in, and I clean forgot about their birthdays until two minutes before the meeting, just before lunch, when I remembered and made a note on my physical notepad to send a message after the meeting at lunch.
The meetings happened, and I got diverted into action, probably actioning some items the meeting generated for me and forgot again. It was home time, and finally, the workday left my mind, and I remember the scribbled note on my notepad to send a text. I’ll do it when I get home – no excuses.
You could see where this was going, couldn’t you? Yes, I forgot again and at various points throughout the night remembered-forgot loop kept happening. Until finally, in bed, about to close my eyes and … “shoot! Too late now, tomorrow.”
Today's Cards

The Cards - Birthdays Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Success moved from Future Energy to Distant Past.
Success moving from Future Energy to Distant Past means Success didn’t last long – does it ever 🤔 – it always feels so short. Keeping it in with the context of the day, the Success would relate to my ability in the past to remember people’s birthdays as a way of letting them know they’re important to me.
In the Recent Past is The Master, rightly suggests I have somehow become detached from my need to send birthday text messages to people who know I love them.
Receptivity influences the Harmony card in the Now position, suggesting I do not feel guilty about not sending the texts even if I’m sad the messages didn’t get sent.
New Vision I see as my yoga card symbolising strength and flexibility connecting to creative energies; it sits in the Goal position as I work on a new way to communicate my affection.
Future Energy has Guidance representing an upcoming “awakening” on what I need to do
We move from Future Energy to Feelings position, which has Inner Voice. Inner Voice is one of those echo cards. The card’s name of Inner Voice ties in neatly with Guidance, but it also has the colours from Harmony and Receptivity, both of which encourage a peaceful trusting of your gut instinct. In short, when getting prompted by my Inner Voice to text a birthday greeting to someone, just do it!
Others’ Views are of me Slowing Down. Wonder whether this is in response to me Slowing Down as I get older, and the drive to absolutely stay on top of every birthday is too tricky. Or whether it’s that I need to slow down?
Hopes & Fears suggests I hope I can hold everything together (Schizophrenia) and send caring text messages but fear that it won’t be possible because I’ve let these couple of birthday texts slip through the cracks. 😟
Finally, The Source is in the Outcome position and suggests I need to do some Slowing Down and revisit why I feel compelled to remember people’s birthdays.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts – has the layouts in calendar format